The congress offers two types of presentations (oral and poster). Each participant may present a maximum of one paper in the modality of their choice, although they may be co-authors of more than one. The inclusion of a paper in the scientific program is subject to prior approval by the Scientific Committee and payment of the registration fee by the presenting author. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to move some oral presentations to poster sessions if there are space constraints, following consultation with the Scientific Committee.
Deadline for submitting communications: February 22st, 2025.
Guide for authors
Communications have to be submitted through the private area of the webpage of the Conference. To access it, participants should consider as username their e-mail address and as password the key they use for the pre-registration . Please, either access to private area or click on “Enter” on the upper right corner of the webpage to access.
To formalize the submission, an application form should be electronically filled as to provide the following: authors (name, family name, institution and e-mail of each of them), abstract (at most 1000 characters either in Spanish or in English) and keywords. The required information is in the form, so there is no need for any template to complete the submission.
To ease the preparation of the scientific program, authors are asked to classify their works at the moment they submit them into one of the following categories:
- Statistics-Probability
- Operations Research
- Public Statistics
- SEIO Working Groups
- Invited Sessions
- Bilateral Sessions
- Ramiro Melendreras Award Sessions